Establishment physiotherapy clinic
Establishing a physiotherapy clinic – what is it physiotherapy article? It was completely discussed about this field of therapy. In this section, we will give a brief explanation about the field of physiotherapy and how to establish a physiotherapy clinic.
Stay with me until the end of the article.
Conditions for establishing a physiotherapy clinic
The person or persons who are looking to establish a physiotherapy clinic must have a series of general conditions such as having the citizenship of the Islamic Republic and not having a bad history.
In addition, it must meet the special conditions of the physiotherapy establishment regulations, which are as follows, in order to be able to register documents and receive a license from the organization:
Specific conditions for establishing a physiotherapy clinic
- Specialization in physical medicine and rehabilitation
- PhD in Physiotherapy
- Physiotherapy expert
- Master of Physiotherapy
Physiotherapy founders (whether real or legal) are not given more than one establishment license
A person cannot be the technical manager of one center and the founder of another center at the same time.
Started working since the establishment of the physiotherapy clinic
After obtaining the necessary permits to establish a physiotherapy clinic, you should equip your clinic, introduce the technical person in charge, and hire other personnel for the morning and evening shifts.
After qualifying the personnel and equipping the clinic, the operating license of the center is issued with the following conditions:
- Physiotherapy centers are open at least once in the morning
- The technical staff and the technical manager of the physiotherapy center are not allowed to work more than two shifts
- The employment and transfer of personnel must be notified in advance to the deputy of medical treatment.
Conditions of moving and closing the physiotherapy clinic
- It is forbidden to transfer the license or move the clinic without the approval of the legal commission
- Technical responsible license is issued only in the name of physical medicine and rehabilitation doctor or physiotherapist
- Temporary closure of physiology centers is allowed for up to 3 months
- Any change of name and location must be reported to the relevant ministry
Characteristics of the personnel of the physiotherapy center
- The personnel working in the physiotherapy clinic must have a bachelor’s degree, master’s degree or doctorate in physiotherapy.
- People who have degrees in nursing and medicine can take responsibility for admitting patients.
Physiotherapists volunteering to accept technical responsibility should benefit from the following conditions:
- Having a scientific qualification and performing legal services such as the Ministry of Health’s manpower plan
- Having at least 2 years of work experience to accept responsibility in Tehran, Karaj, Mashhad, Isfahan, Shiraz (if a person has a degree higher than senior, no work experience is required)
- Families of martyrs and veterans (spouses and children) 50% and above without years of service can apply for the establishment of a physiotherapy clinic.
- Veterans are exempt up to 49% for each percentage of veterans from the 15 days of service required to include work experience.
- For veterans and prisoners of war, for each month of voluntary participation in war and each month of captivity, the equivalent of 2 months of service will be calculated as work experience for them.
Features of the location of the physiotherapy center
The area required to establish a physiotherapy clinic is about 60 meters. If another equipment room is added to this space.
The size of the clinic for each room should be added as follows:
- examination room (this room should be approximately 12 square meters)
- The patient waiting room is approximately 12 square meters
- The electrotherapy room is approximately 15 square meters
- All rooms should be separated from each other in the form of cabins
Pay attention to this when establishing the clinic!
One of the important points in establishing a physiotherapy clinic is to have a suitable plan, dear physiotherapists should keep this in mind, how much the city in which they want to establish their clinic needs this center and its services. By getting information in these cases, you can be very successful in attracting patients
Devices that have more priority in equipping the establishment of a physiotherapy clinic
- High power laser device
- Tacar device
- Shockwave device
- Ultrasound device
- Stimulator device
Physiotherapy application
Physiotherapy is a method for the treatment of neurological, muscular and skeletal diseases that is performed in various ways such as sports exercises, massage therapy, using mechanical equipment and electronic devices.
Physiotherapy through sports exercises, light, electronic waves, ultraviolet and infrared rays, heat and cold therapy helps to improve the patient’s condition and rehabilitate him.
In today’s world, due to the change in people’s lifestyles, lack of mobility and having a car life, referrals to physiotherapy have increased, and this has caused most students and graduates to think of establishing a physiotherapy clinic.
In order to establish a physiotherapy clinic, the above mentioned conditions must be met in order to be able to obtain the establishment license.
I hope that by reading this article, we have helped dear physiotherapists who are planning to establish their own clinic.
Microtechnology Medical Engineering Company is one of the best manufacturers of physiotherapy devices in Iran, which has been able to attract the satisfaction of dear physiotherapists with the high quality of its products. Currently (November 1401), according to the special conditions of the society, we are trying to make the conditions for equipping the physiotherapy clinic easier.
Long-term installments without fees is one of the measures that our company has planned for you dear ones in this situation.
For more information and to know about the special conditions of installments and cash discounts, contact the sales unit of Mrs. Sarkar Toisarkani.
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Good luck to all the dear and hardworking physiotherapists
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